Modular covering “TRANSFORMER”
Size 500*500
Thickness 16 mm
Resistant to falls of heavy sport equipment during workouts
Modular covering “TRANSFORMER”
Size 500*500
Thickness 16 mm
Resistant to falls of heavy sport equipment during workouts
Modular covering “SOLD GRAIN” is used in sports club “Arlan” (Almaty).
Covering is resistant to regular workouts and falling of heavy bars in the free weights zone.
Powerlifting club “Polyarny medved” on the territory of track and field athletics arena. The covering “TEKHNOPOL” helps to protect the floor from barbell falling.
On video – 160 kg barbell falling from the human growth height.
Клуб пауэрлифтинга "Полярный медведь" на территории легкоатлетического манежа. Защитить основание от падения штанги помогает покрытие Технопол.
На видео - падение штанги веом 160 кг с высоты человеческого роста